Sustainability Policy

SMB Kenzai Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "SMBKZ") strives to contribute to the wider society by providing the living-space industry with services that anticipate and respond to future changes. Under this corporate philosophy, we have positioned sustainability initiatives as one of the company's most important management challenges. We will continue taking on the challenge of finding solutions to global-scale issues and working toward the realization of a sustainable society.

Approach to Sustainability and Conduct Guidelines

SMBKZ's management philosophy, which provides the basis for the company's sustainability, is as follows:

  1. SMBKZ will engage in sound business activities emphasis on reliability and trust.
  2. SMBKZ will provide customer satisfaction by utilizing the comprehensive capabilities of our global network.
  3. SMBKZ will create a corporate climate in which individuality and ability can thrive based on the spirit of respect for human dignity.
  4. SMBKZ will take the environment into consideration, work in partnership with local communities everywhere, and will contribute to the creation of an affluent and harmonious society.

The above management philosophy includes our basic stance on important sustainability-related themes, such as respect for human rights, environmental conservation, social contributions, and building trust with stakeholders.
SMBKZ will continue to give sufficient consideration to conservation of the global environment, while complying with all relevant laws and regulations. At the same time, we will continue contributing to the realization of a sustainable society and the finding of solutions to global-scale issues through our sound and sincere business activities.